5.3  Oscillations

5.3.1  Simple harmonic oscillations


Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:


(a) displacement, amplitude, period, frequency, angular frequency and phase difference

You need to be able to define all these terms and their units.



​(b) angular frequency



(c) (i) simple harmonic motion; defining equation



(ii) techniques and procedures used to determine the period/frequency of simple harmonic oscillations  e.g. mass on a spring, pendulum



(d) solutions to the equation 



(e) velocity 



(f) the period of a simple harmonic oscillator is independent of its amplitude (isochronous oscillator)

Isochronous is a very cool word and you should use it at every opportunity.  It means the time stays the same!



(g) graphical methods to relate the changes in displacement, velocity and acceleration during simple harmonic motion





5.3.2  Energy of a simple harmonic oscillator

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:


(a) interchange between kinetic and potential energy during simple harmonic motion


(b) energy-displacement graphs for a simple harmonic oscillator




5.3.3  Damping



Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:


(a) free and forced oscillations



(b) (i) the effects of damping on an oscillatory system



(ii) observe forced and damped oscillations for a range of systems



(c) resonance; natural frequency


(d) amplitude-driving frequency graphs for forced oscillators


(e) practical examples of forced oscillations and resonance.