5.2  Circular motion


5.2.1  Kinematics of circular motion


Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:


(a) the radian as a measure of angle

Don't let this worry you, it really is quite straightforward.  You just need to know that 360 degrees = 2 pi radians and take it from there.


​(b) period and frequency of an object in circular motion


(c) angular velocity



5.2.2  Centripetal Force


Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:


(a) a constant net force perpendicular to the velocity of an object causes it to travel in a circular path



(b) constant speed in a circle;



(c) centripetal acceleration;



(d) (i) centripetal force;

You may find many a site on the internet that talks about centrifugal forces i.e. a force acting outwards from the circle.  These sites are wrong and you should leave them immediately!  To make something move in a circle there must be an inward force.



(ii) techniques and procedures used to investigate circular motion using a whirling bung.